Watch the video below and I’ll reveal to you 3 hidden signs of liver dysfunction,
why they occur and what you can do about them.
Watch the video below and I'll reveal to you 3 hidden signs of liver dysfunction, why they occur and what you can do about them.
Video 1
3 Signs your Liver
Needs Some Love

A healthy liver is necessary
for true healing to occur
The liver is the principal detoxification powerhouse organ. It is the final stop for toxins on their way out of your body. If your liver is compromised, healing cannot be complete, and any healing protocol will not be successful.
In this in-depth workshop you will learn how to recognize liver congestion, what causes it, and how to cleanse your liver to achieve optimal health and vitality.
Have you experienced the following?
Chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne
Recurring seasonal or food allergies
You've tried healing protocols (natural or otherwise), but didn't get the results you hoped for.
Bad cleansing reactions, flu-like symptoms, or rashes, every time you've tried to detox
You're looking for a sustainable detox regime to combat everyday toxins.
You want to better understand the role of the liver in natural healing.

Have you experienced the following?
Chronic skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne
Recurring seasonal or food allergies
You've tried healing protocols (natural or otherwise), but didn't get the results you hoped for.
Bad cleansing reactions, flu-like symptoms, or rashes, every time you've tried to detox
You're looking for a sustainable detox regime to combat everyday toxins.
You want to better understand the role of the liver in natural healing.
Receive the Evidence-Based Protocol
The Liver Love Protocol by Andrew Kaufman, M.D. acts as a step-by-step guide to complement what you learn in the workshop. The protocol provides all necessary details on the recommended diet, procedures and supplements to achieve optimal results. The protocol is crucial to your success, enabling you to resolve liver congestion and its associated clinical manifestations, such as eczema, allergies and hemorrhoids.
This protocol can be combined with The Way of Water Protocol, as adequate hydration is necessary for liver healing. It will also prepare you to begin other detoxification protocols and procedures, including the Removing Heavy Metals: A Natural Approach Protocol and Turpentine Protocol, as well as others, such as water fasting, Gerson, DMSO, chlorine dioxide, etc.

Receive the Evidence-Based Protocol
The Liver Love Protocol by Andrew Kaufman, M.D. acts as a step-by-step guide to complement what you learn in the workshop. The protocol provides all necessary details on the recommended diet, procedures and supplements to achieve optimal results. The protocol is crucial to your success, enabling you to resolve liver congestion and its associated clinical manifestations, such as eczema, allergies and hemorrhoids.
This protocol can be combined with The Way of Water Protocol, as adequate hydration is necessary for liver healing. It will also prepare you to begin other detoxification protocols and procedures, including the
Removing Heavy Metals: A Natural Approach Protocol and Turpentine Protocol, as well as others, such as water fasting, Gerson, DMSO, chlorine dioxide, etc.

What will you learn in this workshop?
The physiology of the liver and it's primary role in self-healing.
How to recognize signs of liver congestion.
How to minimize your exposure to liver toxins from food, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, and other sources.
Necessary steps (including diet, procedures, and supplements) to detox your liver naturally.
A comprehensive and evidence-based protocol for deeper cleansing and relief of chronic symptoms.

In this workshop you will learn:
The physiology of the liver and it's primary role in self-healing.
How to recognize signs of liver congestion.
How to minimize your exposure to liver toxins from food, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, and other sources.
Necessary steps (including diet, procedures, and supplements) to detox your liver naturally.
A comprehensive and evidence-based protocol for deeper cleansing and relief of chronic symptoms.
Buy this exclusive workshop
and get 3 special bonuses!
Join this exclusive workshop
and get 3 special bonuses!

The Liver Love Protocol (Procedures & Diet)
Outlines the steps for a complete detox of your liver - with procedures for water consumption, diet, supplements, and elimination, utilizing substances from nature.

The Liver Foods Factsheet by Andrew Kaufman, M.D.
Highlights key nutrients the liver needs for detoxification. Reveals which foods put a heavy burden on the liver, along with which foods build the liver back up after cleansing.

The Liver Lovin' Chili Recipe by Andrew Kaufman, M.D.
Deliciously satisfying and replenishing chili recipe loaded with nutrients your liver will love! Made with verified-regenerative, organic beef bone broth from FOND.
Join this exclusive workshop
and get 3 special bonuses!
Join this exclusive workshop
and get 3 special bonuses!

The Liver Love Protocol (Procedures & Diet)
Outlines the steps for a complete detox of your liver - with procedures for water consumption, diet, supplements, and elimination, utilizing substances from nature.

The Liver Foods Factsheet by Andrew Kaufman, M.D.
Highlights key nutrients the liver needs for detoxification. Reveals which foods put a heavy burden on the liver, along with which foods build the liver back up after cleansing.

The Liver Lovin' Chili Recipe by Andrew Kaufman, M.D.
Deliciously satisfying and replenishing chili recipe loaded with nutrients your liver will love! Made with verified-regenerative, organic beef bone broth from FOND.
All-Access Package
- Live Workshop Replay
- HD Digital Download of Workshop
- Workshop Slides
- BONUS: The Liver Love Protocol
- BONUS: Liver Lovin' Chili Recipe
- BONUS: The Liver Foods Fact Sheet
- BONUS: Audio MP3 of Workshop
The Full Collection
- Terrain: The Film 4K Digital Download Package + All Bonus Materials
- Love Your Liver Workshop + Protocol and All Bonus Materials
- Removing Heavy Metals: A Natural Approach Workshop + Protocol and All Bonus Materials
- The Way of Water Workshop + Protocol and All Bonus Materials
All-Access Package
- Live Workshop Replay
- HD Digital Download of Workshop
- Downloadable Workshop Slides
- BONUS: The Liver Love Protocol
- BONUS: Liver Lovin' Chili Recipe
- BONUS: The Liver Foods Fact Sheet
- BONUS: Audio MP3 of Workshop
The Full Collection
- Terrain: The Film 4K Digital Download Package + All Bonus Materials
- Love Your Liver Workshop + Protocol and All Bonus Materials
- Removing Heavy Metals: A Natural Approach Workshop + Protocol and All Bonus Materials
- The Way of Water Workshop + Protocol and All Bonus Materials